$ alexp

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About Me

My name is Alexander Peterson.

I'm a Computer Science graduate from the University of Central Florida and soon to be software engineer at Amazon.

aVRage Paths As my Senior Design project, I worked on a team with a few other students to build a tool that aims to support VR locomotion research.
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Ray Tracing Renderer (WIP) Currently building a ray tracer in Rust.
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Neural Network in C I built a neural network in C entirely from scratch.
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CHIP-8 Emulator I created a CHIP-8 emulator in C.
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Flock Simulation My implementation of the "Boids" program written by Craig Reynolds back in 1986.
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Maze Generator I implemented a maze generator.
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A* Pathfinding I wrote an A* pathfinder visualization.
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Sudoku Solver I wrote a sudoku solver.
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